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Plays and Musicals

I’ve been writing stories and songs most of my life. In addition to poems and songs. I’ve written over 25 plays and screenplays, and have been produced in NYC, Chicago and LA.  I’m proudest that I can adapt to more than one style or genre, and am equally at home with drama and musical comedy.  


Works that are currently the focus of my attention:

Welcome to Technospheriverse, Mediacritech’s annual corporate convention! To illustrate customers’ pain points, the CEO forgoes the typical powerpoint for a live musical comedy. The musical follows "Wharton Grad" Ashley as she goes to work for “Wild Man” Josh who wants to change the world with a new travel app.  Channeling his father’s “friend” Steve Jobs, Josh exploits  her and earnest coder Andrew  as the trio hone their product and investor pitch. Egos clash, romance sparks, and a disruptive technology - that has the potential to heal humanity by connecting us to our most primal selves  - is born from the ashes of failure. 

The Most Wonderful

The Most Wonderful Afternoon:  Guided by the ghost of a dead friend, a controlling mid-western housewife tries to auction off her late-daughter’s self portrait during a tornado watch and finds herself blown into a mystical life-journey that teaches her to appreciate the weather no matter how bad it gets.  


THE HIKER is a drama about a man - The Hiker - who discovers he has miraculous healing powers after waking in a remote mountain cabin occupied by what he thinks is a burgeoning religious cult. The Hiker is a study of fear and prejudice as the greatest inhibitors in achieving human - and spiritual - potential. 

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